Wednesday, October 3, 2012

A Word on Prayer

Today was the very first Mothers of Preschoolers (MOPS) meeting here at Gloria Dei!  There were a dozen ladies here, who all have preschool aged children, coming together to learn and grow in the ever-so-important vocation of being a mom. 

I played a very different role than I usually do in ministry settings as I went up to the loft and served as the A/V guy for the first part of the meeting.  The women watched a brief video which spoke to the purpose of MOPS describing the support, encouragement, and help that MOPS gives to mothers.  Part of the video that grabbed my attention was a statement to the effect these moms were the right moms for their children.  So often in life we feel inadequate for the task set before us – and that is certainly true of parenting!  It seemed to me a powerful affirmation that God gives us the gifts that we need to serve Him and others as we wear the various “hats” of different stations of life we fall into.  (For instance I wear the “hat” of pastor, but also husband, father, son, brother, citizen, consumer, etc.) 

That being said, one of the “hats” that we wear is that of being a disciple – a follower of Jesus.  And that “hat” gives us a wide variety of blessings and opportunities.  The chief of the blessings is the forgiveness of sins through which we are reconciled to God and can even begin to think of ourselves as His children!  This blessing opens the door to eternal life, reconciliation with our neighbor, joy, peace, and much more.  Among the opportunities we receive are those of hearing God’s Word (I am often by struck by the idea that as we hear God’s Word read to us that, if God is present in His Word as He promises, He is touching and tickling our ears to help us hear Him) and praying to Him.  It is on prayer that I’d like to focus our attention for a little while. 

Prayer is a great privilege.  God speaks to us in the Word, and we get to speak to Him in prayer.  He is a God of conversation and community!  He enjoys the time we spend with Him as we speak and listen, and whenever we pray we pray out of a relationship.  The Lord’s Prayer makes this clear.  Jesus said to pray this way, “Our Father who art in heaven….”  We teach our confirmation students that, “With these words God tenderly invites us to believe that He is our true Father and that we are His true children, so that with all boldness and confidence we may ask Him as dear children ask their dear father.”  (Small Catechism)

Over and over in Scripture we are urged to pray.  This past Sunday, James 5:13-18 was read in worship, where we are told to pray if we have trouble, if we are happy, when we are sick, when we have sinned, and more!  It sounds to me like we are encouraged to pray in about every kind of circumstance! 

We pray because God loves us.  We pray because He promises to hear us.  We pray because He commands us to.  We pray because we love God. 

Sometimes people get hung up on how to pray, though.  You may feel like you need special words or the right kind of piety to pray.  (You don’t.)  You may feel unworthy to pray.  (You are in yourself, but Jesus has made you worthy in His death and resurrection.)  You may feel like God is far away, your need is insignificant, your needs don’t matter, or even that you don’t matter.  I say this:  Look to the cross where God showed you how much He loves you, then pray – talk to Him.  If He loves you so much, surely the words you speak (no matter how informal), the needs you have, etc., surely matter to Him.  So pray. 

Questions to Ponder
-          Take a look at James 5:13-18.  What are the benefits of prayer?
-          Verse 16 tells us that the prayers of the righteous are powerful and effective.  Who are the righteous?  Look at Romans 3:23-24.  (Hint:  In the language the New Testament was written in “righteous” and “justified” are from the same word.)
-          What does James 5:17 say of Elijah?  How does that help us?
-          When do you pray?  What kinds of things do you pray about?
-          Have you ever had a prayer answered in an unexpected way?  Is there something that you have been praying about that hasn’t been answered as you desire?  How can knowing God’s love help you in both of these circumstances?
-          Why can you be confident that God hears and answers your prayers? 

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